Top 13 Signs That Your Spouse Is Planning A Divorce


by Chris Torrone



Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process for everyone involved. It’s one of life’s most challenging transitions, and it can leave couples feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. I understand how important it is to recognize the signs that your spouse may be considering a divorce. Knowing when a spouse is planning a divorce can help you take proactive steps to save your marriage before things start to go downhill. In this article, I’ll discuss my top signs that your spouse might be planning a divorce so you can prepare yourself emotionally before any official decisions are made.

If you’re feeling like something isn’t right in your relationship, don’t ignore it! Pay attention to any changes in behavior or attitude that could indicate a potential split. It’s important to take action as soon as possible if you notice any warning signs in order to avoid an unnecessary divorce. That being said, there are certain behaviors that could suggest an impending separation is on the horizon. From withdrawing from conversations to suddenly becoming distant and unresponsive, these are all red flags that should not be ignored.

By understanding these top signs of potential divorce, you can start making positive changes in your relationship before it’s too late! Take heart knowing that with hard work, dedication and honest communication – even when faced with the toughest obstacle – many couples can find their way back to each other and create stronger relationships than ever before!

Woman and man, who just found out his spouse is planning a divorce

Definition Of Divorce

Divorce is a difficult process for any couple to go through, and it’s important to take note of the subtle signs that one’s partner may be planning a divorce. Divorce planning involves not only the legal process but also the emotional and financial considerations that come with ending a marriage. It can be difficult for couples to identify when their relationship has reached this point, which is why it’s important to recognize both common and subtle signs of divorce.

A troubled marriage or lack of communication are some of the most common signs that your spouse may be considering divorce. These can range from no longer wanting to spend time together to making decisions without consulting one another. It’s also possible that your partner may have become more distant or secretive, engaging in activities they didn’t before or avoiding topics of discussion they used to take part in.

Another sign could be an unwillingness to invest in the marriage by taking classes or counseling together. If your partner isn’t willing to put effort into the relationship, it could be an indication that they’re ready for a divorce. Despite these warning signs, it’s important to remember that there could still be hope for your marriage if you’re both willing to work on it together. With proper communication and understanding between both partners, you can potentially resolve any issues you’re having together rather than resorting to divorce.

Recognizing these signs early on is key in determining whether a divorce is likely on the horizon or if there are still ways for you and your spouse to save your marriage.

Signs Of Distancing

When it comes to warning signs of a potential divorce, there are several things to consider. If your spouse is displaying signs of distancing and suddenly has a complete change in behavior, these could be signs that they are considering separation or divorce.

One key sign to look for is if your spouse begins avoiding communication with you. This can include refusing to discuss the future of your marriage, refusing to talk about family finances or budgeting, or simply not wanting to have conversations about anything at all. Similarly, if you find that your spouse is starting to distance themselves emotionally from you and the family unit, this could be a sign that they are planning on leaving.

Another tip-off that something may be amiss is if your spouse has started researching divorce attorneys or law firms without talking about it with you first. In an unhappy marriage situation, this may mean that your partner is looking for ways to separate from the relationship. It’s important for both partners in the relationship to talk openly about their feelings and concerns so that any potential issues can be addressed early on and worked through together instead of having one partner take matters into their own hands without involving the other person.

If any of these signs sound familiar and you think your spouse may be preparing for a divorce, it’s important to get help right away from a qualified professional who specializes in marriage counseling and divorce mediation. Taking proactive steps now can help prevent some of the financial and emotional stressors associated with divorce proceedings down the line. A counselor or mediator can provide support throughout this process and can help both parties come up with solutions that work for everyone involved in order to move forward in a healthy way.

It’s also wise for couples facing possible separation or divorce to look out for unusual financial activity such as large withdrawals from bank accounts, new credit cards opened without knowledge of either partner, or transfers between joint accounts without proper authorization by both partners. If any of these activities occur unexpectedly it’s best to address them immediately before they become larger issues down the road.

Unusual Financial Activity

John and Mary had been married for close to 10 years when John started to notice strange spending habits. He noticed that Mary was not just using joint accounts, but also opening lines of credit and credit cards in her own name. This was an alarm bell for John because it meant that Mary was preparing for something – most likely a divorce.

This is a bad sign, as divorce can be expensive if you’re not prepared. No matter how much money you put into joint accounts, divorce documents are still required to divide them up legally. And even if you do have all the necessary paperwork, divorce experts recommend having a separate account or two in case of emergencies.

It’s important to recognize the signs of financial separation early; it could mean the difference between saving your marriage and having to go through a costly legal battle down the road. Pay attention to any unusual financial activity on either side; it could be an indication that someone is getting ready for life after marriage.

Changes In Appearance

Changes in appearance can be one of the top signs that your spouse is planning a divorce. If they stop getting dressed up for special occasions or start wearing clothes that are too big or small, it could indicate that they are preparing to end the marriage. Your spouse may also stop taking part in family vacations or other activities you used to enjoy together. By recognizing these changes, you can begin to work on improving the relationship and prevent a divorce from occurring.

Another way to tell if your spouse is planning a divorce is through their lack of communication. If your spouse stops sharing things with you and becomes distant, it could be an indication that they are considering filing for divorce. Additionally, if your spouse starts talking about hiring a divorce lawyer or signing up for marriage counseling without discussing it with you first, it’s likely they’re planning for the worst-case scenario.

Finally, if your spouse begins changing beneficiaries of services or cutting short their initial membership term with organizations such as gyms, clubs, etc., this could be a sign that they’re preparing to move on with their life without you. Talk openly with your partner about any changes in behavior and try to work together to create a healthy relationship. Doing so will help ensure both parties are happy and content in their marriage now and in the future.

divroce no communication Torrone Law Spouse Is Planning A Divorce

Lack Of Communication

When it comes to changes in appearance, there’s only so much you can do to assess the situation. But when it comes to communication between spouses, that’s a different story. If your spouse has stopped talking with you, or if their conversations become one-sided and unproductive, then this can be a huge red flag that something is wrong.

This kind of communication breakdown is something experienced divorce attorneys see all the time. Effective communication is an essential part of any relationship. It’s like a business partnership; if one partner stops doing their job, then the business won’t survive for long. Likewise, if a couple fails to communicate sufficiently, then their relationship will suffer too.

If your spouse suddenly stops communicating with you or starts avoiding conversations about important topics such as finances or children, then it may be time to consult an experienced divorce attorney or even a customer relationship management tool to help you understand what’s going on. Don’t delay; many times these decisions are made in business days rather than months or years. The sooner you intervene and take action, the better chance you have of preventing an irreparable rift in your marriage.

Unexpected Mood Swings

Unexpected mood swings can be a sign that your spouse is planning a divorce. If you are noticing changes in their behavior, such as becoming increasingly distant and aloof, it could indicate that they are contemplating ending the marriage. If your partner is suddenly more short-tempered or angry about minor things, it could be an indication of underlying issues that may need to be addressed.

Here are five signs to look out for when considering if your spouse is planning a divorce:

  • Answering divorce-related questions on a questionnaire without your knowledge
  • Expressing feelings of being on the brink of divorce
  • Spending less time with family or avoiding family life altogether
  • Working with relationship management tool providers without informing you
  • Visiting an attorney and refusing to share details of the client-attorney relationship

It’s important to remember that all relationships go through difficult times and not necessarily headed for divorce. However, if any of these signs begin to appear in your relationship, then it’s essential that you and your partner have an honest conversation about what’s going on in order to address the issues. This is especially true if you feel like the situation has become untenable and both parties need to take action. Seeking professional help from a mediator or counselor may help both parties communicate better and reach amicable solutions.

In some cases, couples may decide to explore alternative arrangements rather than pursuing a traditional divorce. Whatever steps taken should ultimately ensure the well being of everyone involved and provide stability for any children involved in the family life.

Increased Time Away From Home

If you suspect that your spouse is planning a divorce, pay attention to any signs of increased time away from home. This can include extended business trips, family holidays that don’t include you or other activities that take them away from the home for long hours. If you aren’t sure if this is a sign of trouble, it’s important to start talking to your spouse about what’s going on and why they’re spending more time away than usual.

It might also be helpful to use a legal services provider if you believe that your spouse is planning a divorce. A lawyer referral service can help connect you with an attorney who specializes in family law and can provide guidance on what steps to take next. Alternatively, if you’re both open to it, consider looking into class actions or mediation sessions as a way of resolving disputes. Chat-based mediation sessions are becoming increasingly popular as well and could be beneficial for couples looking for an alternative dispute resolution method.

No matter what path you choose, it’s important to remember that communication is key when facing conflict resolution issues. Before making any decisions, make sure that both parties have had the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings in an honest and respectful manner. Doing so will help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible and give everyone the best chance of resolving whatever disagreements may be present.

Conflict Resolution Issues

If you and your spouse are having difficulty communicating, it is important to take proactive steps toward resolving conflicts. One way of doing this is to create a plan that includes activities that both of you can agree upon. This could involve setting up separate bank accounts, obtaining internet service providers and accounting service providers, accessing marketing service providers and product fulfilment services providers, and creating a “family” of sites or applications that provide mutual support. Additionally, if you feel like your spouse is not listening to what you have to say or is avoiding conversations with you altogether, it may be helpful to consider making a verifiable consumer request through the FTC Customer Response Center. The goal here is not necessarily to find fault with either party but rather to ensure that both parties are heard and respected during this difficult time in their lives.

In order for any conflict resolution process to be successful, it is essential that both parties feel heard and respected during the course of discussions. This means taking the time to actively listen before responding and showing empathy for one another’s feelings. It also means remaining open-minded about potential solutions so as not to limit the conversation prematurely. When couples are able to use effective communication techniques with one another, they may be able to work out differences without resorting to divorce. To move forward on this path requires an understanding of how each person contributes uniquely towards resolving conflict and avoiding further hurtful interactions between them. With this knowledge in hand, couples can take the necessary steps towards improving their relationship while developing greater intimacy in the process.

Avoidance Of Intimacy

If your spouse is avoiding intimacy, it may be a sign that they are planning a divorce. Physical and emotional intimacy is often the first thing to suffer in a troubled marriage. If your partner is becoming distant and unresponsive to physical contact or discussions of your relationship, it could indicate that they are no longer invested in the partnership.

It’s also possible to spot signs of divorce if one or both of you start reviewing terms and conditions on contracts, such as subscription terms, applicable terms, billing terms, current term, email address and reminder emails from planning tool service providers. This can be a telltale sign that someone is gathering information for an impending separation.

The differences in priorities between you and your spouse can also provide insight into their intentions. If your spouse suddenly expresses interest in new hobbies or activities without including you in the process, this could mean that they are prioritizing their own needs over the relationship. It’s important to pay attention to these changes so you can make sure that any issues can be resolved before taking steps toward divorce.

Differences In Priorities

It’s not uncommon for couples to experience differences in priorities when it comes to their marriage. In some cases, these differences can be a sign of trouble and may signal that one spouse is considering a divorce. It’s important to take the time to identify any changes in your partner’s behavior or attitude towards you, as well as any disagreements over major issues that could lead to a separation.

Signs of TroublePossible Solutions
Reduced communication or resentment when discussing shared plansTalk openly about feelings and expectations, set boundaries
One spouse consistently takes control of decision makingShare responsibility for decisions, delegate tasks evenly
Refusal to compromise on financial mattersDiscuss financial goals and agree on budgeting strategies together
Withdrawal from family activities and social gatherings togetherReconnect by doing activities both partners enjoy, seek counseling if needed
Increased criticism or lack of support for each other’s interestsAcknowledge each other’s needs and interests, show appreciation for each other’s efforts

It’s important to remember that couples don’t always have the same ideas when it comes to their marriage. While it can be difficult at times, finding ways to work through disagreements will help strengthen the relationship and prevent potential divorce. If you find yourself in a situation where there are major differences in priorities between you and your partner, it is best to communicate openly with each other so that you can come up with solutions together. Doing so can help ensure that both parties feel heard and respected. Without proper care and attention, however, these differences could potentially lead to an unhealthy situation where one spouse begins feeling unsupported or unappreciated which could then lead them down the path of considering a divorce.

Inappropriate Behavior With Others

If your spouse has been showing signs of inappropriate behavior with other people, it may be a sign that they are considering a divorce. This could include sending flirtatious texts to someone else or spending more time out of the house or away from you. If this behavior has been occurring over time, then it is possible that your spouse is planning on filing for a divorce.

Injunctive relief may also be an option if you feel that your spouse’s behavior is becoming dangerous or oppressive. You can file a claim for relief with the court and request a temporary restraining order which will prevent them from doing certain activities until the court decides on the matter.

If your spouse is open to talking about their feelings, it might be helpful to have a chat based mediation session with them. This type of conversation allows both parties to express their feelings in an environment where there are verified consumer requests and additional terms that need to be followed. Through such conversations, you can work together to come up with possible solutions in order to resolve any conflicts between you two and avoid divorce.

It’s important to remember that no matter how difficult things may seem at times, it’s still possible for couples who are facing marriage difficulties to overcome those issues and find common ground with one another without resorting to filing for divorce or needing help from a credit card issuer. Therefore, if your spouse seems distant or detached emotionally, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are planning on filing for divorce. The best thing you can do is remain open-minded and willing to talk things through while keeping in mind that communication is key when looking for resolutions within relationships.

Emotional Detachment

If your spouse is emotionally detached, it can be a sign that they are considering divorce. While it’s normal for couples to go through periods of emotional disconnection, when the detachment is persistent, it could be the precursor to divorce. This kind of detachment usually manifests itself in an unwillingness to discuss any meaningful conversations about life and marriage. They may also appear distant and avoid eye contact or physical contact with you.

It’s important to remember that emotional detachment is a two-way street; both parties need to make an effort to stay connected. As a counselor, I recommend trying things like scheduling date nights or going on weekend getaways as a way to rekindle your relationship and reconnect with each other. This can help create positive memories that will remind you of why you fell in love in the first place.

Another thing you should look out for is if your spouse has become critical or passive-aggressive towards you. If they start nitpicking at small things and making snide comments, then this could be an indication that they’re feeling unhappy in the relationship and are looking for an outlet for their frustrations. If this behavior persists, it might be time to have an honest conversation about how you both feel and see if there’s anything that needs to be addressed before considering divorce as an option. From here, we can transition into discussing secretive phone calls/texts which could be another indicator of impending divorce proceedings.

Secretive Phone Calls/Texts

One of the top signs that your spouse may be planning a divorce is secretive phone calls or texts. You may find that your spouse is now constantly on their phone, or leaving the room to take calls and sending texts without sharing what it’s about. If you’ve noticed this behavior suddenly increasing in frequency, it could be an indication that they’re talking to a lawyer or discussing divorce plans with someone else.

It’s normal to want to know what’s going on in your marriage, but try not to become overly suspicious. Instead, calmly ask them if everything is okay and express how you feel about the sudden change in their behavior. It’s important for both of you to communicate openly and honestly so that any issues can be resolved.

Here are some tips for dealing with secretive phone calls/texts:

  • Be honest and open with each other; communication is key!
  • Don’t jump to conclusions; give your spouse the benefit of the doubt.
  • Respect each other’s need for privacy; practice healthy boundaries when it comes to phones and messages.

If you still have suspicions after having a conversation with your partner, then it may be time to seek professional help from a marriage counselor or legal consultant who can provide more guidance and advice on how best to deal with the situation.

If you have noticed the signs that your spouse may be considering a divorce, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and scared. It can be difficult to know what steps to take next, but one of the most important steps is seeking legal consultation. A lawyer can help provide advice on navigating the divorce process, while also offering a more objective point of view.

It’s important to discuss your concerns with an experienced attorney who specializes in family law. They will be able to answer any questions you have about potential outcomes as well as provide insight into the process itself. Your attorney may suggest mediation or collaborative divorce if both parties are willing to cooperate. These forms of divorce allow for a more amicable agreement between two parties and can save time, money and emotional energy down the line.

When consulting with an attorney, it’s wise to come prepared with any relevant documents such as financial statements or court papers. Also, be sure to ask about all applicable fees upfront so that there are no surprises later on. A good attorney will also make sure that your rights are protected throughout the process and ensure that all necessary paperwork is properly filed before any court appearances are made.

Ultimately, seeking legal counsel during this challenging time can prove invaluable in helping you protect your interests and ensuring a successful outcome for yourself and your family going forward.

Frequently Asked Questions When a Spouse is Planning a Divorce

How Long Should I Wait To File For A Divorce?

It’s an understandable and difficult situation to be in when you are considering filing for a divorce. It can be hard to know where to start and what the best course of action is when it comes to taking this step. To help you, I have put together some advice that might be useful for people who are considering divorce:

  1. Talk to your spouse about your feelings. Communication is key in any relationship, and good communication is even more important if you’re thinking about taking this step. Talking openly with your partner can help ensure that both of you understand each other’s feelings and needs during this process.
  2. Consider seeing a counselor or therapist together. This could be beneficial in many ways, such as helping both of you work through any underlying issues that may have led to the decision to file for a divorce, or helping you explore options before making a final decision.
  3. Make sure that all paperwork is filed correctly and on time. Divorce proceedings can take a long time, so it is important to make sure that all the paperwork is filled out correctly and submitted on time in order for the process to move along smoothly.
  4. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically during this time. Filing for divorce can be an emotionally draining process, so make sure to give yourself time away from it all when needed, whether it’s by spending time with friends or family, doing something relaxing like yoga or meditation, or simply taking some alone time for yourself. Additionally, eating healthy meals and exercising regularly can help reduce stress levels during this difficult period of transition in your life.

No matter how long someone waits before filing for a divorce, they will still go through the same tough emotions during this process – worry, fear, sadness – but understanding these feelings ahead of time can help prepare them better for the emotional roller coaster involved in seeking a divorce. Everyone’s experience is unique so it’s important not to compare your situation with others; focus instead on understanding what works best for you and taking steps towards making that happen while being compassionate with yourself throughout the journey ahead.

Can I Still Be Friends With My Spouse During The Divorce Process?

It can be difficult to know how to navigate the divorce process with your spouse. Many couples are often unsure of how to remain friends while going through such a life-altering period. After all, it’s natural to have a range of emotions that can make it challenging to stay amicable.

As a marriage and divorce counselor, I have seen firsthand how important it is for couples who are divorcing to maintain an open line of communication. Here are three tips that can help keep the lines of communication open during the divorce process:

  1. Talk openly and honestly about your feelings and expectations.
  2. Try not to take things too personally and remember that this is a transitionary period for both of you.
  3. Keep your conversations respectful and civil, even if you don’t agree on certain matters.

Maintaining an amicable relationship with your former spouse during the divorce process can prevent further complications down the road. It also allows both parties to move forward in their lives without any animosity or resentment lingering in the air. Plus, having an understanding between each other during this time will make co-parenting much easier when children are involved.

By taking steps to ensure that both parties remain civil throughout the process, divorcing couples can make sure they’re ending their marriage on good terms and setting themselves up for future success as individuals and as parents if applicable. It may be difficult at times, but by keeping these tips in mind, you may find it easier than expected!

Is There Anything I Can Do To Repair My Relationship With My Spouse?

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and scared when you think that your spouse may be planning a divorce. However, there are things that you can do to try to repair your relationship with them if you hope to stay together. I often help couples in this situation.

The first step is to start communicating more openly and honestly with your partner. Ask them why they might be considering divorce and let them know that you’re willing to work on the issues. It’s important not to blame or accuse each other, as this could make the situation worse. Try practicing active listening so that you can truly understand your partner’s feelings and concerns.

Next, it’s essential to set aside some time each week where you can spend quality time together without any distractions or outside commitments. This could include taking a walk, going out for dinner, or engaging in activities that both of you enjoy doing together. During this time focus on rebuilding trust, acceptance, and understanding between the two of you by talking about your hopes and fears for the future of your relationship.

If the two of you are still feeling uncertain about whether or not the relationship should end, consider seeking counseling from a professional who specializes in marriage therapy or divorce mediation. This can provide an objective third-party perspective on the situation which can help you identify underlying issues that need to be addressed before making any final decisions about staying together or parting ways.

What Kind Of Financial Support Should I Expect During A Divorce?

Divorce can be a difficult and overwhelming process for both parties involved. As your marriage and divorce counselor, it’s important to understand the financial implications of a divorce. This includes knowing what kind of financial support to expect during a divorce.

In most cases, both spouses will need to provide financial support for the other after the divorce is finalized. This could include alimony or spousal support, compensatory payments, child support or other payments as part of the settlement agreement. Depending on the length of your marriage and other factors, one spouse may be required to pay more than the other.

It’s also important to understand how assets are divided in a divorce. When dividing assets such as bank accounts, investments and real estate, courts typically follow equitable distribution rules which ensure that each party receives an equal share of marital property acquired during the marriage. It’s also important to consider any prenuptial agreements that may be in place before you make any decisions regarding asset division.

No matter what stage you’re at in this process, it’s important to have an understanding of your rights and obligations when it comes to financial matters related to your divorce. Seeking legal advice from a family lawyer can help you determine what kind of financial support you are entitled to receive during your divorce proceedings.

Is It Possible To Get An Annulment Instead Of A Divorce?

When it comes to a marriage ending, deciding between divorce or annulment can be a difficult choice. As a marriage and divorce counselor, I understand the gravity of this decision and the difficulties it can bring. Here are some things to consider when deciding between divorce or annulment:

  1. The financial implications: In most cases, an annulment will be less expensive than a divorce because there is typically no division of assets or spousal support involved with an annulment.
  2. The legal process: Depending on your state’s laws, you may need to meet certain criteria in order to obtain an annulment, such as proving that the marriage was not legally valid or that one party was underage at the time of the marriage.
  3. The emotional effects: Annulments are often seen as a way to nullify a marriage and make it as if it never happened. However, this can be emotionally difficult for both parties involved since they may still have strong feelings for each other despite wanting to end their relationship.

Ultimately, what is best for you depends on your own personal situation and needs. An experienced counselor can help guide you through this difficult decision by discussing all of the options available to you and helping you make an informed decision about which route is right for you and your family.


When your marriage is in trouble, it can be hard to know what’s best for you, your spouse, and your family. Divorce can be a difficult and complex process that can take months or even years to complete. It’s important to take the time to understand the signs that indicate that your spouse may be planning a divorce before you decide how to proceed.

Although it can be painful, it’s important to recognize when things are past the point of repair and look for ways to move forward with as much grace and dignity as possible. If your spouse is exhibiting signs that they plan to move forward with a divorce, it may be time for you to begin considering how you will handle the situation emotionally and financially.

No matter the outcome of your relationship, it’s important to remember that there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Don’t lose sight of who you are or forget all of the wonderful moments you shared together – these memories are part of what makes life so beautiful and worth living! By taking the time to recognize these signs, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision about what comes next in life.

The information contained in this post is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice as every case is unique. The information provided herein is simply our way of introducing you to Torrone Law. We make no representations or warranty as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information, materials, or links to outside websites or materials provided through this website. For specific legal questions you should contact us for a free consultation.

Article Author

Chris Torrone

Chris Torrone

Founding Attorney

In 2011, Chris founded Torrone Law with a mission to advocate for families targeted by the legal system. He specializes in CPS custody, child support, criminal law, and divorce. His success rates are impressive, with a 96% success rate in CPS custody cases and a 94% success rate in child support cases.

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