The Great Divide: Top Things To Ask For In A Divorce Settlement


by Chris Torrone



As a family law attorney, I’ve been where you are right now countless times. I’ve sat across from clients who are facing one of the most challenging moments in their lives – navigating the emotional and legal minefield of divorce.

But what if I told you that amidst all this heartache, there’s an opportunity for you to emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before? That may be hard to believe right now, but trust me when I say it’s possible. And as someone with a passion for helping others through difficult situations, my goal is to guide you towards that brighter future.

Let’s talk about the Great Divide: your divorce settlement. It’s no secret that dividing assets and negotiating terms can be a daunting task. However, approaching these negotiations with clear goals in mind will make all the difference in achieving a fair and satisfactory resolution.

So let me share with you some top things to ask for in a divorce settlement – insights garnered from years of experience advocating for clients just like yourself. These tips won’t just help you secure what’s rightfully yours; they’ll also serve as stepping stones towards rebuilding your life on your own terms.

divorce settlement2 Torrone Law Things To Ask For In A Divorce Settlement

A Fair Share Of Assets

Picture your marital assets as a beautifully crafted pie, with each slice representing a piece of your shared life together. Now, imagine that this pie must be divided fairly between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. This is the essence of a fair divorce settlement – ensuring that both parties walk away with their equitable share of the pie.

As a family law attorney, I understand that dividing the pie can be an emotional and challenging process; however, it’s crucial to navigate through it carefully to protect your financial future.

During the division of assets in a divorce, you’ll want to focus on securing an equitable distribution of both marital property and separate property. Marital property refers to assets acquired during the marriage, such as real estate, investments, and retirement accounts. Separate property encompasses any assets owned by either party before marriage or obtained through inheritance or gift during the marriage.

It’s essential to accurately identify which assets fall into these categories and strive for an equitable split that ensures both parties maintain financial stability.

As you work towards reaching a fair divorce settlement, remember that empathy and compassion play a vital role in negotiations. After all, we are all human beings who desire fairness and understanding from our counterparts. Keep this at the forefront of your mind while discussing property division so that both sides feel heard and respected throughout this often-difficult process.

With open communication and collaboration, you will pave the way for smoother discussions regarding child support and alimony matters in your divorce journey.

Child Support And Alimony

Now that we’ve discussed how to ensure a fair distribution of assets, let’s move on to another critical aspect of divorce settlements: child support and alimony. These two elements are crucial in providing financial stability for both parties and their children after the divorce. As a family law attorney, I cannot overstate the importance of addressing these issues in your settlement to prevent future disputes and serve the best interests of your children.

When negotiating child support and alimony, consider the following factors:

  • Child custody: The parent with primary custody will typically receive child support payments from the other parent. Keep in mind that joint custody arrangements may require more nuanced calculations.
  • Expenses: Both parents should contribute to their children’s expenses, such as education, medical care, and extracurricular activities. Be sure to create a comprehensive list of these costs to determine an appropriate level of support.
  • Parenting time: It is essential to establish a parenting schedule that outlines each parent’s responsibilities and time spent with the children. This will not only impact child support calculations but also help maintain a positive co-parenting relationship.

Child support is designed to ensure that both parents contribute financially to raising their children, while alimony (also known as spousal support) provides monetary assistance for one spouse who may be unable to maintain their standard of living after the divorce. In some cases, interim or rehabilitative alimony may be awarded temporarily until the receiving spouse can achieve financial independence.

When determining an appropriate amount for both child support and alimony, consider each party’s income, earning capacity, assets, needs, and any relevant state guidelines.

As you continue working towards a fair divorce settlement that serves the best interests of all involved parties, don’t forget about retirement and investment accounts as these will play a significant role in shaping your financial future post-divorce.

Retirement And Investment Accounts

Did you know that approximately 30% of couples who have retirement accounts report that those accounts are the most valuable assets they own? It’s no surprise then that retirement and investment accounts are often at the heart of divorce settlement discussions.

As a family law attorney, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to ensure a fair distribution of these financial assets in order to secure your future financial stability. And let me tell you, there’s no better feeling than helping someone protect their hard-earned savings and investments in the midst of such a trying time.

When negotiating your divorce settlement, it’s essential to consider not only the value of your shared retirement accounts but also any marital debt tied to them. This might include loans taken against a 401(k) or penalties incurred from early withdrawals.

Understanding the full scope of your joint financial picture can help ensure an equitable financial settlement for both parties. After all, we’re not just talking about numbers on paper; we’re talking about years (or even decades) of dedication and sacrifice put into building a secure future for yourself and your family.

So when it comes time to discuss the division of retirement and investment accounts during your divorce proceedings, remember that securing a fair share is critical for safeguarding your financial well-being after the dust settles. With careful consideration and expert guidance, you’ll be better prepared to navigate this complex process – ultimately serving not only yourself but also those who depend on you for support.

Now that we’ve tackled this critical aspect of divorce settlements, let’s delve deeper into another important area: property and debt.

divorce settlement Torrone Law Things To Ask For In A Divorce Settlement

Property And Debt

Now that we’ve tackled the importance of retirement and investment accounts in a divorce settlement, let’s move on to another critical aspect: property and debt. Dividing your joint assets, including property, can be complicated and stressful. But keep in mind that you’re working towards a fair resolution for both parties involved.

When it comes to the division of property, you should aim for an equitable distribution where each party receives a share of the joint assets commensurate with their contribution to the marriage. This doesn’t necessarily mean a 50/50 split but rather what is deemed fair and just by considering various factors such as income, financial needs, and length of the marriage.

Similarly, it’s essential to ensure a fair debt division so that neither party is burdened with an unfair share of joint debts. To achieve this balance, you need to create an inventory of all your assets and debts: real estate properties, vehicles, personal belongings with value, credit card balances, loans – everything must be accounted for. The goal here is transparency and cooperation so that both parties can walk away feeling satisfied with the outcome.

As you navigate through this process of dividing property and debt during your divorce settlement negotiations, remember that compromise may be necessary at times. For instance, if one spouse has a stronger emotional attachment to certain items or properties than the other does, they might agree to give up another asset in return.

At the end of the day, it’s crucial to remain focused on achieving a fair distribution while maintaining respect for each other’s needs and wishes throughout this challenging transition period.

With these thoughts in mind about property and debt divisions during divorce settlements let’s shift our focus towards another significant aspect: marital home – one area where emotions often run high during such negotiations.

Marital Home

When it comes to navigating the choppy waters of property division, the marital home is often the jewel in the crown. Deciding who gets to keep the castle can be a complex and emotionally charged part of any divorce settlement. As a family law attorney, I’ve seen firsthand how addressing this issue with care and consideration can make all the difference in reaching an amicable resolution.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to resolving real estate matters in a divorce, but understanding your options is key. Some couples choose to sell their marital residence and split the proceeds, while others may opt for one spouse to buy out the other’s interest. In some cases, it may even be possible for both parties to continue co-owning the property after their separation – particularly if they have children they wish to keep in their beloved family home.

Whatever path you choose, it’s essential that you work closely with a skilled family law professional who can guide you through this intricate aspect of your divorce settlement.

As you ponder your next move concerning your marital home, don’t forget about other significant assets that may require equal attention during property division negotiations. For example, jewelry collections can hold immense financial and sentimental value for both parties involved – so stay tuned for our next section on how best to handle these precious pieces during your divorce proceedings.

divorcejewelry Torrone Law Things To Ask For In A Divorce Settlement


When it comes to jewelry in a divorce settlement, emotions can run high, and the process of property division may become even more complex. As a family law attorney, I have witnessed many cases where dividing up jewelry has been a contentious issue. However, with the proper guidance and understanding of what’s at stake, you can achieve a fair division while keeping an amicable divorce intact.

The first thing to consider when dividing jewelry is determining which pieces are considered marital property and which ones are separate. Generally speaking, any jewelry acquired during the marriage using marital funds will be considered marital property and therefore subject to division upon divorce. On the other hand, if you owned certain pieces before getting married or received them as gifts or inheritances during the marriage – those are typically considered separate property and not subject to division. Family heirlooms are especially important to address in this context since their sentimental value often exceeds their monetary worth.

To ensure both parties feel heard and respected throughout the process, it’s crucial to approach dividing jewelry with open communication and empathy for your partner’s feelings. This might involve creating an inventory of all your joint pieces together, discussing each item’s significance, and negotiating how they should be divided in a way that feels fair for both parties involved.

If necessary, you can always enlist the help of a neutral third party like a mediator or your family law attorney to assist in reaching an agreement. Once you’ve settled on how your treasured possessions will be divided equitably, it’ll be time to tackle another critical aspect of any divorce: child custody and support arrangements.

Child Custody & Support

Navigating the choppy waters of child custody and support can be a Herculean task. As a family law attorney, I have seen numerous parents wrestle with the complexities of securing the best possible arrangements for their minor children during divorce proceedings.

To ensure that your child’s needs are met and that you maintain a strong relationship with them, it’s important to focus on negotiating favorable child custody, visitation rights, and child support arrangements.

When it comes to child custody, ironing out parenting plans is essential. This involves determining whether one parent will have sole custody or if both parents will share joint custody. Keep in mind that joint custody doesn’t always mean an equal 50/50 split; rather, it encompasses a range of possibilities based on what serves the best interests of your children.

Additionally, nailing down visitation rights can help minimize future conflicts and ensure that both parents remain actively involved in their children’s lives. Remember, as much as you want to prioritize your own desires in these negotiations, staying focused on your children’s well-being should be at the heart of everything you do.

As far as child support goes, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with your state’s child support guidelines. These guidelines typically take into account factors such as each parent’s income, childcare costs, healthcare expenses, and educational needs. By understanding how these guidelines work and advocating for fair financial arrangements based on them, you can work towards ensuring that your children receive adequate support throughout their upbringing – giving them every opportunity to flourish despite the changes brought about by divorce.

With all these aspects properly addressed and structured within your settlement agreement, you’re better equipped to tackle other matters such as alimony – which we’ll delve into next.


Now that we’ve navigated the crucial topic of child custody and support, let’s turn our attention to another significant aspect of divorce settlements: alimony.

This can be a contentious issue, as it involves one spouse providing financial assistance to the other following the dissolution of their marriage. However, with a focus on fairness and compassion, you can achieve an alimony arrangement that meets your needs while also serving the greater good.

Alimony payments can be a vital lifeline for a spouse who may not have been the primary earner during the marriage or who may need additional support to maintain their standard of living after the divorce.

When negotiating your divorce settlement agreement, it’s important to consider factors such as each spouse’s earning capacity, reasons for divorce, and any sacrifices made by either party in terms of career or education opportunities.

By taking these factors into account, you’ll be better equipped to determine a fair alimony amount that acknowledges both spouses’ contributions and addresses any financial imbalances.

As an advocate for those in need and for justice above all else, keep in mind that alimony is not meant to be punitive; rather, it should help ensure both parties can move forward without undue hardship or bitterness.

Be prepared to negotiate with your spouse and their attorney in pursuit of a fair outcome that respects everyone’s financial obligations while fostering goodwill between all parties involved.

After reaching an agreement on alimony terms, you’ll then be ready to tackle property and debt division—an equally important component in shaping your post-divorce future.

Property & Debt

Did you know that around 40-50% of marriages in the United States end up in divorce? I know, it’s a shocking statistic, but it’s essential to be prepared and informed when dealing with such a significant life event.

One of the most critical aspects of any divorce is determining how property and debts will be divided between you and your spouse. As a family law attorney, I’ve seen many cases where couples struggle to find an equitable solution to this issue, which is why I’m here to offer some guidance on this topic.

First and foremost, take inventory of all your assets and debts. This includes everything from real estate and personal property to credit card debt and loans. Once you have a clear picture of what you own (and owe), it’s time to consider how these items should be split between both parties.

In some states, community property laws dictate that assets acquired during the marriage are considered jointly owned by both spouses – meaning they’ll typically be split 50/50. Debts incurred during the marriage are also usually shared equally. However, every situation is unique and may require a more tailored approach through a marital settlement agreement.

As you negotiate the division of property and debts, don’t forget to consider their long-term impact on your financial well-being. For instance, taking on additional credit card debt might seem manageable now but could become burdensome down the road if your circumstances change. It’s crucial to strike a balance that ensures both parties walk away feeling satisfied with their share while also setting themselves up for future success – whether that means pursuing further education or starting a small business aimed at serving others in need.

With this foundation firmly in place, we can now explore another vital aspect of divorce settlements: dealing with the marital home and its implications for both parties involved.

The Marital Home

One of the most significant assets to consider in your divorce settlement is your marital home. This can be a highly emotional and contentious aspect of property division, as it often represents not just financial value but also sentimental attachments and memories. However, it’s important to put personal feelings aside and think pragmatically about what’s best for you and your family in the long term.

When negotiating a fair settlement for the marital home, there are several factors to consider:

  • Buyout Option
  • One spouse buys out the other’s share of the property
  • The buying spouse refinances the mortgage in their name only
  • Sell the Home
  • The property is sold, and profits are divided according to an agreed-upon ratio
  • Joint accounts may need to be monitored closely during this process to ensure no hidden assets or unfair transactions occur

In addition to these options, you might also consider renting out the home or agreeing on a delayed sale (especially if children are involved) until they finish school or reach a certain age.

It’s vital that both parties communicate openly and honestly about their needs, expectations, and financial capabilities during these negotiations.

As you discuss matters related to your marital home during your divorce settlement talks, remember that serving others’ interests doesn’t always equate to sacrificing your own well-being. Finding a solution that benefits everyone involved can feel challenging but ultimately rewarding in establishing a new chapter for yourself and your family.

With this crucial aspect addressed, it’s time to delve into another essential component of reaching a fair settlement: insurance policies (life & health insurance).

Insurance Policies (Life & Health Insurance)

Ah, insurance policies – those pesky little documents that Benjamin Franklin would have called ‘the key to the kingdom’ if he had known about them in his day.

But seriously, when you’re navigating the choppy waters of a divorce settlement, it’s essential to make sure you’ve got your life and health insurance ducks all lined up.

As a family law attorney, I can’t stress enough how important it is to consider both life and health insurance policies in your divorce settlement.

Life insurance can play a significant role in ensuring financial stability for you and your children in the event of an untimely death. It’s not uncommon for one spouse to be required to maintain a life insurance policy with the other spouse or children as beneficiaries. This provides ongoing financial support for expenses such as mortgage payments, child care, and even college tuition.

Health insurance is equally crucial – especially when medical expenses can rack up faster than you can say ‘pre-existing condition.’ Ensuring that you and your children have adequate coverage during and after the divorce process will save you from potential financial ruin due to unforeseen illnesses or accidents.

So as we dive into these murky insurance waters together, remember that securing appropriate life and health insurance policies is vital for both your peace of mind and long-term financial well-being. You’ll want to examine existing policies, determine future needs based on ongoing expenses, and figure out how best to split any costs associated with maintaining coverage post-divorce.

And now that we’ve tackled this essential aspect of the settlement process, let’s shift our focus onto another critical area: education expenses.

Education Expenses

Now that we’ve tackled the crucial topic of insurance policies, let’s dive into another essential aspect of a divorce settlement: education expenses.

As parents, providing for our children’s education is one of the most important responsibilities we have. It’s only natural to want to ensure their needs are met even as you navigate the complexities of divorce.

Addressing education expenses in your divorce settlement can help alleviate any potential conflicts down the road and provide a sense of security for both you and your children.

When discussing education expenses in your divorce settlement, it’s important to consider not just tuition fees but also other costs associated with schooling. This may include school breaks, extracurricular activities, and private school enrollment if applicable.

Keep in mind that these expenses can change over time as your child grows and their educational needs evolve. A well-drafted child support agreement should take these factors into account and provide flexibility for future adjustments.

One approach is to agree on a specific amount or percentage each parent will contribute towards education expenses, which can be adjusted periodically based on each parent’s financial situation or changes in the child’s educational needs. Another option is to establish an educational fund or trust that both parties contribute to regularly.

Regardless of the method chosen, addressing education expenses in your divorce settlement demonstrates not only a commitment to your child’s well-being but also serves as an act of cooperation between you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse.

With this issue resolved, we can now move forward to explore another critical element – debt division.

Debt Division

Debt division can be a double-edged sword in a divorce settlement. It’s important to remember that just as assets must be divided, so too must debts.

Navigating the choppy waters of financial issues during a divorce can be challenging, but it’s essential to keep your eye on the prize – obtaining a fair and equitable property settlement agreement.

During divorce negotiations, you and your spouse will need to discuss how to divide common debts such as mortgages, car loans, and credit card balances. This process may require some compromise on both sides, but it’s important to approach debt division with an open mind and a goal of reaching an agreement that benefits both parties.

Remember, serving others sometimes means putting aside our own desires for the greater good of resolving financial matters amicably between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse.

As you navigate these complex conversations around money and debt, always keep in mind the big picture: achieving a fair divorce settlement that allows both parties to move forward with their lives without being tied down by unresolved financial issues.

This might mean taking on more debt than you initially expected or letting go of certain assets in exchange for not having to bear the burden of particular debts. Such decisions are never easy, but they pave the way for smoother sailing ahead as you transition into the next chapter of life.

And speaking of moving forward… now is an excellent time to talk to a family lawyer who can provide expert guidance on all aspects of your divorce settlement!

Talk To A Family Lawyer

As a family lawyer, I can’t stress enough the importance of seeking professional advice when navigating your way through a divorce settlement. It’s not simply about dividing assets and agreeing on alimony or child support; it’s about understanding your rights and ensuring that you’re making the best decisions for yourself and your family.

A knowledgeable family lawyer can guide you through this complex process, helping you to negotiate terms that are fair and in the best interest of all parties involved.

One of the key areas that a family lawyer can assist with is property division. This aspect of divorce settlements often becomes contentious, as it involves determining who gets what and how much. Determining an equitable division of property can be challenging, especially if one spouse was financially dependent on the other during the marriage.

Additionally, deciding on matters such as alimony and child support is never easy, but having an experienced attorney by your side can make all the difference in reaching an agreement that both parties can accept.

A good family lawyer will also help you establish a visitation schedule that works for both parents and prioritizes the well-being of your children. This is essential in maintaining stability for your kids during this difficult time while also allowing both parents to continue playing an active role in their lives.

Remember, it’s not just about getting what you want out of a divorce settlement – it’s about working together to ensure everyone’s needs are met, especially those of any children involved.

By engaging the services of a skilled and compassionate family lawyer, you’ll be better equipped to navigate these challenges and build a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones after divorce.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Ensure That My Spouse Does Not Hide Or Undervalue Assets During The Divorce Process?

Picture this: you’ve spent years building a life with your spouse, only to have it crumble before your eyes. The pain of separation is real, and as a family law attorney, I understand the emotions involved in such situations.

But amidst this turmoil, it’s crucial for you to remain vigilant and protect your future – and that means ensuring your spouse doesn’t hide or undervalue assets during the divorce process.

To accomplish this, we’ll work together to gather documentation of all assets and liabilities, hire professionals like forensic accountants if necessary, and request financial affidavits from both parties.

By staying proactive and diligent in our pursuit of transparency, we can safeguard your interests while also serving the greater good by promoting honesty and fairness throughout the entire divorce process.

What Factors Are Considered When Determining Whether A Prenuptial Agreement Is Valid And Enforceable In A Divorce Settlement?

When you’re wondering whether your prenuptial agreement will hold up in a divorce settlement, it’s important to know that there are several factors that courts consider when determining its validity and enforceability.

First and foremost, the agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties before the marriage.

It’s also crucial for both of you to have had ample time to review the document and consult with independent legal counsel before signing.

Additionally, full disclosure of assets and liabilities is key – any concealed or misrepresented information could render the agreement invalid.

Lastly, make sure the terms are fair for both parties; if a court finds that enforcing the prenup would result in undue hardship for one party or go against public policy, they may choose not to uphold it.

Having a clear understanding of these factors can help ensure that your prenuptial agreement is solid and stands up in court should you ever need it.

How Can I Protect My Business Or Professional Practice From Being Divided Or Negatively Impacted In A Divorce Settlement?

As a family law attorney, I understand how crucial it is to protect your business or professional practice during a divorce settlement. There’s no doubt you’ve worked hard to build your business, and the last thing you want is for it to be negatively impacted or divided up during this challenging time.

To safeguard what you’ve built, consider forming a separate legal entity for your business, establishing a buy-sell agreement with any partners, and creating a postnuptial agreement that outlines how the company will be treated in case of divorce.

By proactively addressing these issues, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of divorce while ensuring your business remains secure and thriving for years to come.

What Are The Tax Implications Of Various Aspects Of The Divorce Settlement, Such As Alimony Payments, Property Transfers, And Retirement Account Divisions?

You know the old saying, ‘There’s nothing certain in life except death and taxes’? Well, that holds true even during a divorce. As a family law attorney, I can tell you that understanding the tax implications of your divorce settlement is crucial to avoid any surprises down the road.

When it comes to alimony payments, property transfers, and retirement account divisions, each has its own tax consequences. For example, alimony payments are typically tax-deductible for the payer and taxable income for the recipient.

On the other hand, property transfers between spouses as part of a divorce settlement generally don’t trigger immediate tax consequences but could affect your capital gains tax later on when selling the property. And while dividing retirement accounts might not seem like a big deal now, there may be tax penalties if not handled correctly.

So remember, it’s essential to consider these factors when negotiating your divorce settlement to ensure you’re serving both yourself and others in the best way possible.

How Can I Ensure That My Spouse And I Maintain An Amicable Relationship For The Sake Of Our Children While Negotiating A Divorce Settlement?

Navigating the emotional waters of a divorce while keeping an amicable relationship with your spouse can be challenging, especially when it comes to negotiating a settlement. As a family law attorney, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is for both parties to prioritize open communication and focus on the well-being of their children during this tough time.

One key strategy is to approach negotiations with empathy and a spirit of compromise – remember that you’re aiming for a fair outcome that works best for everyone involved, rather than trying to ‘win’ against your spouse.

Additionally, consider seeking the assistance of collaborative professionals like mediators or collaborative lawyers who can facilitate constructive discussions and help you reach a mutually agreeable settlement in a more harmonious manner.

Ultimately, maintaining respect and cooperation throughout the process will not only serve your children’s best interests but also pave the way for successful co-parenting in the future.


As you navigate the complex and emotional world of divorce, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the various aspects involved in reaching a fair and equitable settlement. After all, the decisions made throughout this process will likely impact your life for years to come.

So, what are some key factors you should consider in order to protect your interests and secure the best possible outcome?

First and foremost, it’s important to be vigilant when it comes to ensuring that all assets are properly accounted for and valued. This may involve seeking professional assistance from financial experts or forensic accountants who can help uncover hidden or undervalued assets.

Additionally, having a clear understanding of the validity and enforceability of any prenuptial agreements is essential in shaping the overall settlement.

Lastly, as difficult as it may be during such an emotionally charged time, maintaining an amicable relationship with your spouse can make all the difference when negotiating terms related to children and co-parenting arrangements. By keeping lines of communication open and focusing on what’s truly best for your family moving forward, you can ultimately pave the way for a smoother transition into post-divorce life.

Remember: navigating this great divide is not only about securing assets but also finding a path towards healing and growth.

The information contained in this post is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice as every case is unique. The information provided herein is simply our way of introducing you to Torrone Law. We make no representations or warranty as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information, materials, or links to outside websites or materials provided through this website. For specific legal questions you should contact us for a free consultation.

Article Author

Chris Torrone

Chris Torrone

Founding Attorney

In 2011, Chris founded Torrone Law with a mission to advocate for families targeted by the legal system. He specializes in CPS custody, child support, criminal law, and divorce. His success rates are impressive, with a 96% success rate in CPS custody cases and a 94% success rate in child support cases.

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