How to tell your kids you’re getting a divorce


by Chris Torrone



“As the old adage goes, ‘change is the only constant in life,’ and sometimes, this change may involve difficult discussions within a family setting, such as a divorce. How to tell your kids you’re getting a divorce is one of the more difficult conversations you’ll ever have. This process, often fraught with emotional tumult, causes a delicate balance of sensitivity and honesty, especially when it concerns the well-being of children. With the potential to cause a significant upheaval in their lives, it becomes paramount to approach this conversation with understanding and preparedness.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to inform children about an impending divorce, while preserving their mental and emotional health. It outlines the initial steps of decision-making, crafting the conversation, selecting an appropriate time, and tailoring the message according to the children’s age and understanding. Further, it delves into the possible reactions, methods of support through the transition, coping strategies, conflict in parenting styles, and the importance of maintaining open communication. This guide sets out to serve those who are navigating this challenging scenario, with the ultimate goal of mitigating the impact on the children involved.

Key Takeaways

  • Change is constant in life, including difficult discussions like divorce within a family setting.
  • The process of informing children about divorce requires sensitivity and honesty.
  • The well-being of children should be a priority during this conversation.
  • The article provides a comprehensive guide on informing children about divorce while preserving their mental and emotional health.
How to tell your kids you're getting a divorce

Deciding to Break News

Upon making the difficult decision to divorce, it becomes crucial to carefully plan how to relay this impactful news to the children in a manner that is sensitive and understandable. This initial divorce conversation can certainly be a difficult one, and may induce feelings of guilt, fear, and anxiety in parents. However, with careful consideration and preparation, parents can help their kids navigate through this unsettling period with minimal emotional distress. The pivotal objective is to convey the news of divorce in a compassionate and thoughtful way, ensuring that the children comprehend the situation while feeling reassured and supported.

The decision to divorce invariably implies a significant shift in family dynamics, which can be disconcerting for the children. As such, it is imperative to be clear and honest, yet tactful, when informing kids about divorce. The impending divorce should not be conveyed as a sudden, unexpected event but rather as a progressive development that the parents have thoughtfully considered and have deemed necessary. It is also important to emphasize that while the parents’ relationship is changing, their love for their children remains unchanged. Presenting the situation in this manner can help to mitigate feelings of insecurity or fear that the children may have.

In the process of breaking the news of divorce, parents should also strive to maintain an atmosphere of open communication and encourage their children to express their feelings and concerns. This can help to ensure that the children feel heard and understood, and can facilitate a more constructive and supportive transition. Now, as the initial news is conveyed, the focus can then shift towards effective strategies for planning the subsequent conversation to further explain the changes that will occur as a result of the divorce.

Planning the Conversation

Crafting the narrative of familial change requires meticulous planning akin to mapping the trajectory of a spaceship to the moon. This comparison is not made lightly, as the gravity of telling children about divorce is a significant event in their lives. The planning of this conversation should be done with the same precision and care, considering the potential impact on their sense of security and the family dynamic. The approach should be characterized by an empathetic tone, aiming to minimize the difficult emotions that may arise. It is integral to be prepared to answer questions, provide reassurance, and maintain a calm and composed demeanor throughout this painful conversation.

The strategy of planning the conversation should aim to provide clarity and reassurance to the children. The goal is not only to relay the information but also to help the children navigate through the changes that will ensue in the family dynamic. It is crucial to anticipate the questions that might arise and provide clear, honest answers. The plan should account for potential reactions and emotions, and ensure that the conversation is paced appropriately to allow children to process the information. The manner in which this conversation is conducted can significantly affect the children’s assimilation of the new family dynamic and their sense of security.

One of the critical factors in planning this conversation is identifying the most suitable moment to have the discussion. The timing could be as crucial as the content of the conversation, as it can have a profound impact on how the news is received and processed. The chosen moment should be a time of relative calm and stability, away from other stressful events or distractions. Remember, the goal is to provide a safe space for expressing feelings and asking questions. This delicate balance of timing, planning, and emotional readiness can lead to a smoother transition in the family dynamic, paving the way to the subsequent phase of navigating the new normal.

Choosing the Right Time

Identifying an appropriate moment for discussing familial changes is an essential step in ensuring the conversation is received and processed effectively. The concept of divorce can be complex for a child to comprehend, and the timing of such a discussion can significantly influence a child’s understanding and acceptance of the situation. Parents must tactfully choose a time when the family is not under significant stress or dealing with other major changes. The objective is to provide an environment where the child feels safe and secure, enabling them to express their emotions and ask questions freely.

The process of choosing the right time to discuss divorce with a child requires careful thought and consideration. One crucial factor to consider is the child’s schedule and daily routine. For instance, initiating such a conversation just before the child goes to school or has an important event may not be ideal as it may affect their performance or enjoyment of these activities. Similarly, discussing the topic when the child is already upset or stressed might cloud their understanding of divorce. The goal should be to select a time when the child is calm and receptive, giving them the opportunity to process the information at their own pace.

Parents should also consider the child’s emotional readiness and maturity level when discussing divorce. While it’s important to be honest and open, the information should be presented in a manner that is appropriate for the child’s age and development. The aim is not to overwhelm but to explain the situation in a way that they can comprehend. This understanding will be the foundation upon which further discussions about the changes that will occur due to the divorce will be built. This approach leads to the subsequent aspect of the conversation, tailoring the discussion according to the child’s age and emotional maturity.

Making it Age-Appropriate

Adjusting the conversation to align with the child’s age and emotional maturity serves as the beacon that guides parents through the fog of this challenging discussion. The divorce process may be a complex and emotional ordeal for adults, but it can be an even more confusing and distressing experience for children. The child’s age, developmental stage, and level of understanding significantly influence their perception of the situation. Therefore, it is crucial to tailor the discussion about the impending changes in the family unit to the child’s cognitive and emotional capacity.

  • Younger children, typically those in their early developmental stage, may not fully comprehend the concept of divorce. In such cases, parents should use simple language to explain the situation. They might say something like, “Mom and Dad are going to live in different houses, but we both love you very much.”
  • Middle-aged children, usually at an intermediate level of understanding, may grasp the concept of divorce better than their younger counterparts. However, they still need reassurances of love and support. Parents should also prepare for possible questions and be ready to provide clear and honest answers.
  • Adult children, despite their advanced cognitive abilities, may experience strong emotions about the divorce. Parents should not assume that because they are adults, they will process the divorce process like adults. It is essential to have an open, sincere discussion about the decision, allowing them to express their feelings and concerns.

Remember, the objective is not merely to inform children about the divorce but to reassure them that they are loved and supported. Regardless of the child’s age or developmental stage, it is paramount to remain patient, understanding, and supportive as they navigate through this challenging situation. Engaging in such compassionate conversations may be difficult, but it is a necessary step towards helping children transition to a new family structure.

The subsequent section will delve deeper into the possible reactions children may exhibit upon learning about their parents’ divorce, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing their emotional responses.

Possible Reactions

Understanding the potential reactions of children to the news of divorce is critical, as their responses may vary significantly depending on their age, personality, and the circumstances surrounding the separation. The dissolution of a marriage invariably affects the parent-child relationship and can disrupt a child’s sense of stability. This disruption can manifest in a wide range of emotions, from confusion and guilt to anger and sadness, which can significantly impact relationships with both parents and peers. It is imperative to note the potential emotional turmoil that may accompany a divorce with kids involved.

Children may demonstrate signs of distress in various ways, including changes in their behavior, academic performance, or social interactions. These reactions are a natural part of grappling with the changes divorce can bring, and parents should be prepared to provide reassurance, empathy, and consistent support to help children navigate their emotions. The resilience after divorce can be strengthened by creating a supportive environment where children feel safe to express their feelings. This approach can help children adapt to their new circumstances and maintain a positive outlook despite the changes in their family dynamics.

The potential reactions of children to divorce underscore the importance of being prepared to address their concerns and answer difficult questions that may arise. Parents should be equipped with accurate and age-appropriate responses to ease their children’s worries and make the transition less daunting. Understanding the possible emotional and behavioral responses to divorce can not only help parents better support their children but can also contribute to maintaining a strong, healthy parent-child relationship despite the changes. With this understanding, parents are better positioned to navigate the complexities of their children’s reactions and move forward to the next challenge of answering the inevitable difficult questions.

bonding with kids after divorce Torrone Law how to tell your kids you're getting a divorce

Answering Difficult Questions

Navigating the labyrinth of difficult questions that arise from children in the aftermath of divorce can indeed be a formidable challenge for parents. The role of divorced parents is not only to handle the intricacies of a high conflict divorce court but also to address the emotional and psychological concerns of their children with sensitivity. Therefore, mastering the skill of answering difficult questions is paramount. A divorce coach or a family therapist can provide appropriate strategies and techniques on how to tell your kids you’re getting a divorce, thereby equipping parents with the necessary skills to address the queries of their children effectively.

The second paragraph delves into the complexities of answering difficult questions. Children with divorce experience often have numerous questions, ranging from logistical concerns to emotional queries. Although these questions may seem daunting, they provide an opportunity for parents to offer reassurances and support. Expert guidance from a family therapist can help navigate these conversations, promoting open dialogue and fostering a sense of security. By answering the questions honestly and age-appropriately, parents can minimize the potential negative impact of the divorce on the child and facilitate their understanding of the changes taking place.

The final paragraph underscores the importance of maintaining a strong parental bond amidst the turbulence of divorce. Despite the challenges posed by divorce, it is crucial for parents to reassure their children that the parental love for them remains unchanged. This assurance can be communicated through words, actions, and consistency in parenting roles, thereby fostering stability and continuity for the children. The subsequent section explores this crucial element in greater depth, focusing on the ways in which parents can preserve and strengthen the parental bond post-divorce.

Maintaining Parental Bond

Ensuring the preservation of a strong parental bond even after a divorce is a vital aspect of supporting a child’s emotional health and well-being. It is essential to consider the custody arrangement as an opportunity to foster a strong relationship between the child and both parents, rather than merely a legal obligation. Divorce attorneys often advise their clients to make a mutual decision in the best interest of the child, promoting a shared custody arrangement that ensures the child spends significant parenting time with both parents. This approach supports the continuity of the child’s emotional connection with both parents and reduces the potential feelings of abandonment or rejection.

A key factor in maintaining a robust parental bond post-divorce is the ongoing conversation between the parents and the child. It is beneficial to continually reassure the child that the decision to divorce is not a reflection of the love and commitment the parents have towards them. Employing positive reinforcement techniques can help to reinforce this assurance. For instance, when the child demonstrates understanding or adaptability towards the new living arrangement, parents should express their appreciation and pride. This can contribute to enhancing the child’s confidence and emotional resilience in the face of the challenging changes.

The process of maintaining a strong parental bond in the aftermath of a divorce does not end with the finalization of custody arrangements or the initial conversations. It is an ongoing commitment that requires consistent effort from both parents. As the child navigates through the changes, it is crucial to ensure they do not become collateral in any potential conflicts. The subsequent section will discuss strategies for avoiding such conflicts and maintaining a harmonious co-parenting relationship.

Avoiding Conflict

Maintaining a harmonious co-parenting relationship after a divorce necessitates the avoidance of conflict, particularly in front of the child. For instance, one effective strategy is the implementation of clear communication channels, such as the use of a shared digital calendar or a shared journal, to facilitate the exchange of critical information related to the child’s schedule, academic performance, or medical updates. This approach, evidenced in the case of the Thompson family, helped to significantly reduce misunderstandings and disagreements, thereby creating a more peaceful co-parenting environment. The level of conflict was dramatically lessened, which served as a potent antidote to the bitterness and confusion often associated with high conflict divorce court cases.

The escalation of conflict between parents can be harmful to the child’s well-being and development. Therefore, it is vital to adopt a solution-oriented approach to custody disagreements. Acrimonious divorce proceedings can cloud the primary focus, which should always be the welfare of the child. The implementation of third-party mediation, where an impartial person assists in resolving disputes, has proven effective in reducing the level conflict. This method encourages both parties to discuss their differences constructively, focusing on the best interests of the child rather than personal grievances. It is also recommended to seek assistance from professionals such as therapists or counselors, who can provide strategies for managing emotions and avoiding conflict.

The reduction of conflict is not only beneficial for the parents but also plays a crucial role in creating a stable environment for the child. This stability is fundamental in providing a foundation for supporting children through the inevitable changes that divorce brings. By maintaining an amicable co-parenting relationship and minimizing disputes, parents can help ensure that their child’s transition into this new phase of life is as smooth as possible. The next section will explore further strategies for supporting children through this significant change.

Supporting Children Through Change

Transitioning children through the significant life alteration that is divorce requires thoughtful strategies and supportive approaches. One of the primary issues is ensuring the child’s normal routine is maintained as much as possible. This is a difficult task, considering the changes in child care arrangements that often follow a divorce. Nevertheless, it is crucial to prioritize consistency to provide a sense of stability and security. Spending quality time with the child, engaging in activities they enjoy, and offering reassurance can help mitigate the impact of the changes. It is also important to continue to meet the child’s developmental tasks and needs during this period, which requires parents to be fully attentive and responsive to their cues.

Supporting children through change involves more than just maintaining routines and schedules. It also includes emotional support, open communication, and understanding. Children often struggle with feelings of confusion, guilt, and fear during a divorce. Parents can help alleviate these feelings by explaining the situation in an age-appropriate manner and reassuring them that they are not to blame for the divorce. It is vital to allow children the space to express their feelings and concerns, and to validate those feelings. Parents should also reassure their children that they will continue to be loved and cared for, and that both parents will remain involved in their lives.

Moreover, it is beneficial for parents to actively seek ways to promote resilience in children during this time. Encouraging strong relationships with both parents, fostering a sense of self-esteem and confidence, and promoting problem-solving and coping skills can all contribute to this. It is also advantageous for parents to collaborate in their child’s care and to model respectful and cooperative behavior. Transitioning towards the next phase, it becomes necessary to introduce coping strategies post-divorce. These strategies can provide additional support and help children adjust to their new circumstances in a healthier manner.

Coping Strategies Post-Divorce

After the dissolution of a marriage, implementing effective coping strategies becomes paramount to facilitate children’s adjustment to their new reality. Divorce can often be a difficult time for children, characterized by intense emotions, including sadness, confusion, and divorce anger. It is during this challenging time that children require additional support and guidance to navigate their feelings and emotions. The application of coping strategies post-divorce is critical in helping children manage these intense emotions and to promote their remarkable resilience during this period of change.

Regardless of the circumstances, maintaining a semblance of routine can provide a sense of security and continuity for children. Additionally, the following strategies should be considered:

  • Encouraging open communication: This can help children express their feelings and concerns about the divorce.
  • Providing reassurance: Repeatedly affirming your love and commitment can help alleviate some of their fears.
  • Exposing children to positive role models: Being around stable and loving adults can help mitigate the impact of the divorce.
  • Promoting healthy coping mechanisms: Activities such as exercise, art, and journaling can help children process their feelings.
  • Seeking professional help when needed: Therapists or counselors can provide additional support during this challenging time.

Even in the face of adversity, children possess remarkable resilience. The effective implementation of these coping strategies post-divorce can foster this resilience, aiding children in navigating the tumultuous waters of divorce. The role of parents in providing a safe, supportive environment cannot be overstated in this context. The focus should be squarely on the child’s emotional well-being, providing the necessary tools to manage and process their feelings about the divorce.

As the dust settles and the family begins to adapt to the new normal, another issue may arise, that of conflicting parenting styles. This issue warrants its own discussion, as it can create further confusion and instability for the children if not handled appropriately.

Parenting Styles Conflict

Following the process of divorce and integrating effective coping strategies, a pivotal factor that emerges is the conflict in parenting styles. This conflict, if not managed appropriately, can impact the entire family, particularly the children. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) asserts that such a conflict can adversely affect children’s emotional wellbeing and their ability to adapt to the new family structure. Hence, addressing parenting styles conflict is an adult decision that holds significant weight in the post-divorce family dynamics.

One way that parenting styles conflict can manifest is through differences in daily routines and family finances management. These aspects of family life are crucial for maintaining stability and normalcy for children amidst the changes brought about by divorce. Discrepancies in daily routines can create confusion and insecurity in children, as they thrive on consistency and predictability. On the other hand, disagreements on family finances can lead to tension between parents, which children may pick up on, resulting in additional stress and anxiety for them. Therefore, it is essential for parents to collaboratively establish consistency in daily routines and agree on financial matters to ensure a smooth transition for the entire family.

Moreover, open dialogue and mutual respect play a vital role in resolving parenting styles conflict. It is beneficial for parents to understand that although their marital relationship has ended, their role as co-parents continues. They need to communicate effectively and consistently about parenting strategies, decisions, and adjustments. This continuous communication fosters a cooperative parenting environment that minimizes the negative impact of divorce on children. Thus, the subsequent discussion will delve deeper into the importance and ways of maintaining effective communication post-divorce.

Continuous Communication

Ironically, while divorce signifies the end of a marital relationship, it necessitates the strengthening of communication between the separated parties, particularly in matters concerning co-parenting. Embracing continuous communication is crucial as it allows for transparent dialogues about living arrangements, the role of the absent parent, and potential developmental issues that may arise due to the change in family dynamics. It is essential to use language that is age-appropriate, clear, and reassuring to ensure that the child’s emotional needs are met amidst the transition. The conscious effort to maintain open lines of communication can help alleviate the stress and uncertainty that often accompany divorce, fostering a sense of security and stability for the child.

Furthermore, experts like Ann Gold Buscho and Joan Kelly have emphasized the importance of continuous communication in the context of co-parenting post-divorce. They propose strategies that can aid separated parents in maintaining effective communication. Gold Buscho suggests:

  • Regularly scheduled meetings to discuss the child’s needs and concerns.
  • Using neutral language to avoid triggering negative emotions.
  • Kelly, on the other hand, recommends:
  • Focusing on the child’s well-being rather than personal grievances.
  • Keeping the other parent informed about significant events and changes in the child’s life.

These strategies underscore the necessity of continuous communication in mitigating the adverse effects of divorce and ensuring the child’s emotional and developmental well-being.

The implementation of continuous communication is not a one-off process, but rather a consistent effort that requires deliberate attention and focus. It is a commitment to keeping the child’s interests at the forefront, irrespective of personal differences or conflicts between the parents. It involves fostering a conducive environment for the child, where they can freely express their feelings, ask questions, and voice their concerns about the new living arrangements or the role of the absent parent. This approach not only prioritizes the child’s emotional health but also strengthens the bond between the child and the parents, reinforcing their subconscious desire to serve the needs of the child effectively. By doing so, parents can help their children navigate through the divorce with more resilience and less stress, ensuring a smoother transition into their new family dynamics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you explain the concept of divorce to a child who has never experienced it before?

Explaining divorce to a child necessitates a gentle approach. It involves clarifying that it is an agreement between parents to live separately, often due to irreconcilable differences, but it doesn’t diminish their love for the child.

How should you respond if your child blames themselves for the divorce?

In the event a child assumes responsibility for a divorce, it is crucial to communicate emphatically that the decision was made by adults, due to adult issues, and the child is in no way to blame.

What steps can you take to ensure your child does not feel the need to choose between parents?

Ensuring a child does not feel obligated to choose between parents necessitates the promotion of unbiased conversations, maintenance of regularly scheduled interactions, and avoidance of negative commentary about the other parent.

How can you help your child maintain a positive outlook on love and relationships after a divorce?

Statistically, 80% of children from divorced families develop strong relationships as adults. Ensuring open, honest dialogues about love’s complexities and resilience may foster positivity in children’s perceptions of relationships post-divorce.

How should you address changes in living arrangements or visitation schedules with your child?

Addressing changes in living arrangements or visitation schedules should be accomplished by clear communication about the new routines, ensuring predictability and stability. The child’s feelings and preferences should be considered while structuring these arrangements.


In conclusion, the cataclysmic impact of divorce on children cannot be overstated. It is of paramount importance to efficiently communicate, provide support, and establish coping strategies post-divorce. The potential conflict in parenting styles necessitates continuous communication to mitigate the negative influences of divorce.

The need for an age-appropriate approach in breaking the news and choosing the right time to do so is critically significant. The potential reactions of children underline the fundamental importance of these strategies. Hence, the process requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth transition for the children.

The information contained in this post is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice as every case is unique. The information provided herein is simply our way of introducing you to Torrone Law. We make no representations or warranty as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information, materials, or links to outside websites or materials provided through this website. For specific legal questions you should contact us for a free consultation.

Article Author

Chris Torrone

Chris Torrone

Founding Attorney

In 2011, Chris founded Torrone Law with a mission to advocate for families targeted by the legal system. He specializes in CPS custody, child support, criminal law, and divorce. His success rates are impressive, with a 96% success rate in CPS custody cases and a 94% success rate in child support cases.

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